Through an agreement between Hortus Urbis and Teatro di Roma, all parents of children who attend the workshops will receive a coupon. You can use it at the box office of Teatro India on the occasion of the season “Il teatro fa grande!” to be used for the eligible discounted adult admission fee (€ 7 instead of 10€).
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A&A Music adobe alberi appia antica park Azienda Agricola Mamma Lù biodiversità bulbose community gardens coraggio ecologistica ersilia m. eu's eutorte falegnameria food and pic nic gardening garden on the table garden tales germolgiamo giardinieri sovversivi giocare nell'orto green arts & crafts greetings I Semplici e le Selvatiche kids mani nella terra music in the garden natura old times plants and uses orti urbani garbatella ottobrata romana Regione Lazio rose garden roses seeds semidicarta SEMINATI senza categoria slow food studio arturo swap Tai chi to learn watercolor yogaArchives