This course aims at providing theoretical and practical knowledge on horticultural and ornamental cultivation techniques for who wants to start a garden.

Calendar (lessons are held in Italian):

- Friday 3.14.2025 < 18 - 20 > CLASSROOM ON LINE 1

- Saturday 3.15.2025 < 15 – 17 > OUTDOOR

- Friday 3.28.2025 < 18 - 20 > CLASSROOM ON LINE 2

- Saturday 3.29.2025 < 15 – 17 > OUTDOOR

- Friday 4.11.2025 < 18 - 20 > CLASSROOM ON LINE 3

- Saturday 4.12.2025 < 15 – 17 > OUTDOOR

- Saturday 5.10.2025 < 15 - 17 > CLASSROOM 4 + OUTDOOR

- Saturday 6.21.2025 < 15 - 17 > CLASSROOM 5 + OUTDOOR

For practical activities in the field there is also the possibility of participating in gardening work in the garden for volunteers scheduled for 3.1.2025, 4.5.2025, 5.3.2025 and 6.7.2025.


  • Soil
  • flowerbed arrangement
  • intercropping
  • sowing in pot and soil
  • plant’s maintenance, diseases and remedies for parasites
  • harvest

The lessons are held by Enrico Lazzari agronomist, friend of the Hortus Urbis, expert in natural horticulture and ornamental gardening.

  • Address:  Hortus Urbis, via Appia Antica 42/50, Rome
  • Fee: Suggested donation of 80.00 € for person/120.00 for enterprise
  • Free placements reserved to 3 teachers.
  • Limited availability

Additional information:

  • Outdoor parking
  • On line lectures and outdoor hands-on gardening in the Hortus Urbis
  • In case of rain the activities will be post-poned

How we will spend your donation:

  • We’ll buy materials and plants for the course activities
  • We’ll buy materials and plants for the maintenance and improvement of the Hortus Urbis




Follow us:


Facebook:       Hortus Urbis

Twitter:           @zappataromana#HortusUrbis

Instagram:      @zappataromana


Support Hortus Urbis:

Become a Donor

Become a volunteer

Invite a School

Swap the suit for a shovel

Send us your idea for Hortus Urbis

How to reach us

Hortus Urbis at the former paper mill “ Cartiera Latina”, via Appia Antica, 42 /50 (near the fountain)

Bike: Cristoforo Colombo bike route and Circonvallazione Ardeatina.

Bus: 118 and 218 on the Appia Antica (Domine Quo Vadis stop) or 30express, 714 and 715 (Cristoforo Colombo/Bavastro stop or Cristoforo Colombo/Circonvallazione Ostiense stop) and then short walk along the Circonvallazione Ardeatina in the Scott Park.

Car: parking at via Carlo Conti Rossini, Largo Gavaligi, via Omboni, via Scott and surroundings and then  short walk along the Circonvallazione Ardeatina in the Scott Park.

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